Looking for ways to serve our youth?


We are looking for people to be on our Middle and High School Prayer teams! Participants will receive a monthly email with prayer requests and specific students to be praying for.

Click here to email Emma Forrest for more information!


If you’d like to explore opportunities of serving weekly or bi-weekly in any of our regular programs (Sunday School, 3 Degrees, 3 Degrees small groups, True North, or True North Life Groups) contact Bryant Arriaza or Will Nease.


We are looking for 4 adult volunteers to join us Sundays from 9:45-10:45 and be our “Hosts” for the morning! 

Hosts are asked to provide donuts (6 dozen total-3 for Jr. High Hosts, 3 for Sr. High Hosts), arrive at 9:30 a.m. to set out donuts, and greet students as they trickle in. We hope that these volunteers are a welcoming presence who initiate with students, learn names, go after people who are sitting alone, and help every student feel seen and loved! 

Around 10 a.m., when we “split” into Jr. High and Sr. High for teaching, two volunteers will go with Jr. High and the other two will go with Sr. High. Hosts are asked to help pass out Bibles and sit with students during the announcements, game, and teaching time. We hope that these adults are willing to both love students and model what it looks like to love and listen to God’s Word. When Sunday School is over, we would love for hosts to help clean up the donut area and pick up Bibles, and then they are free to go!

Sign Up Here!